landscaping project
and landscaping
Pricing for landscape design services can be divided into several sections:
Landscape project pricing
Pricing for project implementation
Consulting services and site maintenance
Pre-design work includes:
Landscape project pricing
At the first meeting, an acquaintance takes place, an initial analysis of the condition of the object, familiarization with existing documentation, identification of what is desired, photographic recording, and conclusion of an agreement.
The cost of landscape design depends on:
Design site area
Relief (elevation difference) of the design site
Project composition
Area is the first factor in pricing a landscape project; as the area of ​​the site increases, the cost of its design also increases. In our company, the starting point is considered to be 10-20 acres. The cost of plots of smaller area is still equal to 10 acres, since designing smaller areas is in many ways even more complicated, more painstaking and time-consuming.
There are discounts for the design of large-area objects over 100 acres; the larger the area, the greater the discount provided to the customer.
The next factor is the topography of the design site - the more complex, rugged and greater the elevation difference the site has, the higher the design cost.
The most important factor influencing the pricing of a landscape project is its composition.
We offer three price categories for landscape project composition:
To make a choice, you need a clear understanding of what you ultimately want to see in the drawings.
To do this, you need to solve a number of issues, individual for each case. What exactly do you want to change on your site? How much human intervention should be applied to the landscape? What documentation is already available (if any)? Who will implement the project? Do you need working documentation? Is project visualization necessary and in what form? Do you need hand sketches or detailed 3D renderings? Who will take care of the garden? and so on.
You can find prices for projects here (go to the section Prices for landscape design). They differ in the composition of the materials provided when the project is delivered to the customer. Each type of project composition can be edited depending on your wishes.
Pricing for project implementation
Costs and delivery of materials
Cost of work to implement the project
Depending on the composition of the project drawings, items may vary.
Sales pricing consists of:
Geographical location of the object
Scope of necessary work for implementation
The cost of the project depends on:
Quality of materials used
Compliance with technology
Project difficulties
The cost of the project implementation includes:
Creation of a drainage system
Preparatory work:
  • cleaning the area from construction waste,
  • moving soil mechanically and manually,
  • sanitary pruning, crowning, cutting down existing plantings (if necessary),
  • sorting, loading waste into a container and further disposal,
  • vertical layout of the site.
Installation of an automatic watering system
Organization of storm drainage
Creating a lighting system
Organization of road and path network
Cost of planting designed plants
Lawn installation
Construction of engineering structures (retaining walls, reservoirs, streams, etc.), small architectural forms
Pricing for project implementation
Preservation and start-up of an automatic irrigation system
Maintenance, conservation and commissioning of equipment for water bodies (ponds, streams, cascades, etc.)
Depending on the size of the plot, the annual and warranty maintenance of your garden by our company will range from 2 to 8% of the cost of planting material, it includes:
Site visits, visual inspection of the garden condition
Sanitary and shaping pruning of trees and shrubs
Treatment of the garden from diseases and pests
Application of organic and mineral fertilizers, stimulants into the soil and by spraying
Treating the lawn with herbicides against weeds, combing the lawn
Restoring mulch coverings after the winter season
Each project created by a landscape designer is unique and individual. We work in different price categories and are ready to provide the client with any pricing policy.
Prices for landscape design
Landscape design
Design work is carried out only after visiting the site. We take into account the conditions of the existing terrain and the wishes of the customer
We are waiting for your projects