Dr. Anna-Maria & Alexander Potemkin’s

Institute for a healthier planet

Laboratory for soil restoration and growing healthy food with Dr. Kobalia:


Vermitechnology is a method of organic fertilizer
and soil improvement using worms.

Worms process organic waste into fertile compost, enriching it with beneficial microorganisms. This process helps to increase soil fertility, improve its structure and retain moisture. Vermitechnology is an environmentally friendly and effective method of agriculture and gardening.

for the production of nutrient soils

Peat is a natural material obtained from decomposed plant residues. It is used to create nutrient-rich soils due to its high water-holding and nutrient capacity, promoting healthy plant growth in horticulture and agriculture.


Biohumus is a high-quality organic fertilizer produced by processing organic materials by worms and microorganisms into a fertile soil-like composition.

Rich in beneficial microelements and humus, biohumus increases soil fertility, stimulates plant growth and improves its structure. An environmentally friendly and effective product for sustainable agriculture.



Organic fertilizer
Soil conditioner
Remediator for contaminated soils
Intensifies the biochemical processes of the soil, strengthens the immune system of plants, allows them to resist diseases (powdery mildew, rot), pests and temperature changes (heat or cold nights)
Stimulator of the development of beneficial microflora
Remediator for contaminated soils
Changes in temperature (hot or cold nights)
Improves the qualitative composition of the content of carbohydrates, proteins, microelements and vitamins in cultivated plants
Plant growth regulator, provides complete nutrition for plants for 2-3 years
Optimizes soil pH
Component for preparing soil mixtures
Allows you to obtain environmentally friendly products
Changes in temperature (hot or cold nights)
Improver of microbiological condition and soil structure


Lumbricid coprolit Ei senia colchidica (vermihumus “live” product - may contain worm cocoons)
Humic acids, in% of the organic part, not less than:
  • humic – 34%
  • fulvic – 31%
Microelements (mg/kg), not less:
  • copper – 45,
  • manganese – 658
  • zinc – 338
  • molybdenum – 6
  • iron – 1376
  • nickel – 8
  • boron – 39
Concentrated forms of rhizosphere microorganisms:
  • soil nitrogen fixers of the genus Pseodomonas (5 strains);
  • phosphorus and potassium mobilizers of the genus Bacillus spp. (5 strains);
  • antagonists of pathogenic fungi and bacteria Trichoderma;
Macroelements (mg eq/kg), not less than:
  • calcium – 916
  • magnesium – 425
  • sodium – 61
Biologically active substances of bacterial origin: phytohormones,
  • vitamins, amino acids, etc.
  • pH: 6.5 – 7.5
NUTRIENT CONTENT (%), not less than:
  • Total nitrogen (N) – 1.3%
  • Phosphorus (P 2 O 5 ) – 0.91%
  • Potassium (K 2 O) –1.5%
Toxic metals (mg/kg), do not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in soil:
  • lead – 2.17
  • cadmium – 0.28

Laboratory for reforestation and landscape design Dr. Chokoraia

Combined reforestation
A combination of natural and artificial methods of forest restoration in one area, depending on different topography and soil characteristics, moisture and light levels. Creation of forest crops: planting seedlings, saplings, cuttings, sowing forest plants. We carry out government orders for reforestation.
Landscape design
Preliminary design
Landscape design project
Project of storm and drainage systems
Lighting project
Project of reservoirs and ponds
Automatic watering project
Landscaping and site improvement project
Visualization of individual zones
Landscaping of plots and gardens
Tree planting
Ornamental shrubs
Construction of orchards
Perennial flower beds
Vertical gardening
Urban gardening
Lawn laying
Ground cover plants
Planting large trees
Excavation work involves the delivery of the required amount of soil and sand for further improvement of the site.
Drainage and storm drainage system - installation of service systems for removing excess water from the site.
Automatic watering system - installation of equipment for watering plants with individual programming of water flow for plantings in groups and flower beds.
The lighting system provides for the laying of electrical cables, mortgages and pouring of bases for lanterns and lighting, and installation of garden lamps.
Retaining walls - this building structure helps us create laconic designs while preserving the natural topography, avoid soil sliding, and create a comfortable and safe space on your site.
Garden paths and areas - marking the road and path network in accordance with the general improvement plan.
Reservoirs and ponds - the creation of decorative ponds and reservoirs, taking into account all the requirements for safe operation and maintaining its normal functioning.
An alpine hill or rock garden is an interesting landscape element in the garden using stones, fills and various plants, which will instantly transform the site and become its pride.
Small architectural forms are structures that create architectural fullness of landscape objects, creating a comfortable stay on the site: garden benches, pergolas, gazebos, canopies, sculptures, etc.
Garden care
Drainage and storm drainage system
Automatic watering system
Retaining walls
Garden paths and areas
Lighting system
Reservoirs and ponds
Alpine slide, rock garden
Small architectural forms
Sale of large sizes
Large deciduous trees
Large coniferous trees
Large fruits
Delivery of fertile soil
Sand delivery
Delivery of crushed stone
Peat delivery
Delivery of black soil
Cosmicus Quanticus Cerebrum
Microbiome (microbiome) - part of the world/planetary biome (worldbiome/planetarybiome) or Cosmicus Quanticus Cerebrum (universal quantum mind) - a community of microorganisms that form ecosystems, from the simplest - single-celled to physiologically and morphologically complex mammals, united by the principle of joint coexistence, in the world they created. Cosmicus quanticus cerebrum unites: all taxonomic groups of microorganisms, viruses, archaea, lower and higher eukaryotes, their genomes (including genes), organelles of cells that created all life in the Universe and on our planet, including man himself, in one habitat. Homo Sapiens is a product of the Microbiome, physiologically the most complex created organism, endowed with the ability to think. There may be many microbiomes in the Universe that are united by the global Worldbiome, aka the creator, aka Cosmicus quanticus cerebrum (lat. Сosmicus quanticus cerebrum) - the Universal Quantum Mind, and nothing more. Inanimate matter does not exist, it is just matter with a reduced rate of changes in physical properties that are imperceptible over the course of a human life. This term has no true scientific basis; it was introduced to simplify the perception of reality and distorts the world of Cosmicus quanticus cerebrum.