OASIS peat for the production of nutrient soils

The addition of the unique HUMUS BIOCOMPLEX OASIS improves the soil structure, its physicochemical properties, resistance to wind and water erosion, reduces the time it takes to replenish humus and restore soil fertility. The introduced humic substances provide the processes of microbial degradation of organic pollutants with the necessary energy, cofactors, and partially nutrients. As a result, the destructive activity of soil microorganisms increases, the processes of decomposition of various toxic substances that enter the soil, and the processes of self-purification of the soil environment are accelerated.

It is the use of this OASIS product that will make it possible to restore heavily degraded soils, which as a result will become suitable for agriculture within not tens, but three to four years.


Organic fertilizer
Soil conditioner
Remediator for contaminated soils
Intensifies the biochemical processes of the soil, strengthens the immune system of plants, allows them to resist diseases (powdery mildew, rot), pests and temperature changes (heat or cold nights)
Stimulator of the development of beneficial microflora
Remediator for contaminated soils
Changes in temperature (hot or cold nights)
Improves the qualitative composition of the content of carbohydrates, proteins, microelements and vitamins in cultivated plants
Plant growth regulator, provides complete nutrition for plants for 2-3 years
Optimizes soil pH
Component for preparing soil mixtures
Allows you to obtain environmentally friendly products
Changes in temperature (hot or cold nights)
Improver of microbiological condition and soil structure


Lumbricid coprolit Ei senia colchidica (vermihumus “live” product - may contain worm cocoons)
Humic acids, in% of the organic part, not less than:
  • humic – 34%
  • fulvic – 31%
Microelements (mg/kg), not less:
  • copper – 45,
  • manganese – 658
  • zinc – 338
  • molybdenum – 6
  • iron – 1376
  • nickel – 8
  • boron – 39
Concentrated forms of rhizosphere microorganisms:
  • soil nitrogen fixers of the genus Pseodomonas (5 strains);
  • phosphorus and potassium mobilizers of the genus Bacillus spp. (5 strains);
  • antagonists of pathogenic fungi and bacteria Trichoderma;
Macroelements (mg eq/kg), not less than:
  • calcium – 916
  • magnesium – 425
  • sodium – 61
Biologically active substances of bacterial origin: phytohormones,
  • vitamins, amino acids, etc.
  • pH: 6.5 – 7.5
NUTRIENT CONTENT (%), not less than:
  • Total nitrogen (N) – 1.3%
  • Phosphorus (P 2 O 5 ) – 0.91%
  • Potassium (K 2 O) –1.5%
Toxic metals (mg/kg), do not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations of chemicals in soil:
  • lead – 2.17
  • cadmium – 0.28

HUMUS BIOCOMPLEX OASIS universal loose 100% type of packaging: packaging - 5 kg, 10 kg, 25 kg, in bulk, BIG BAG - 500 kg.

Packaged organic fertilizer HUMUS BIOCOMPLEX OASIS is stored in closed, dry, cool, preferably in dark warehouses that provide protection from exposure to sunlight, moisture, contamination and damage in transport containers in stacks on racks or pallets installed on a flat, solid base in compliance with fire safety regulations security. During storage, it is possible to reduce the moisture content of organic fertilizer, which does not impair the quality of HUMUS BIOCOMPLEX OASIS.

It is the use of this OASIS product that will make it possible to restore heavily degraded soils, which as a result will become suitable for agriculture within not tens, but three to four years.

Guaranteed shelf life – 3 years.


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